Introducing an incentive scheme
Medium effort
High impact
It's the carrot and stick scenario – even the most engaged need an occasional nudge towards desired behaviour, attitude and action. While small businesses don't have the bottomless pockets some big corporates have, incentive schemes can be drawn up on a budget and actually take advantage of the smaller set up. However, it's important to put the work in at the beginning so that incentivised actions align with what your business is looking to achieve in the long term.
Discover how other businesses have implemented incentive schemes of different kinds
Impact: low
Define your goals and therefore the performance you would like to reward – recognising this will be different across roles
Impact: medium
Establish a budget for your incentive programme, taking into account cash bonuses, benefits and other non-tangible perks such as early finishes to the day
Impact: medium
Ask employees what incentives they will find most rewarding in both the short and long term
Impact: high
Create a set of incentives that are balanced between business-wide and individual goals
Impact: high
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Learning Groups
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How will I know if my action plan is working?
Staff satisfaction survey results
Staff satisfaction surveys help gauge sentiment at regular intervals