Strong supplier relationships freed up funds to invest elsewhere

When you run a business the size of Dennis Cove Campsite you have to be resourceful. With over 100 pitches across five separate camping fields, owner Harry-James Smith has his hands full but is always looking for creative ways to improve.
“The loo roll idea came from our supplier as we have a great relationship with them,” Harry-James said. “He offered to sell a bulk load at a discount, and luckily enough we had the space to store it.”
The saving Harry-James made by purchasing in bulk meant the money could be redirected towards a construction project helping the campsite open earlier and close later in the season season because of improved drainage. “Those are bookings we wouldn’t have been able to offer up to customers. It’s money in the bank being able to offer it,” he added.

Purchasing in bulk meant the cash could be put towards other projects around the campsite
Harry-James’ efforts to increase turnover is not limited to opening earlier and closing later. He’s overhauled is booking system so that half the camping fee is taken at booking and the remaining balance is paid two weeks before the slot. “Because you are asking for £100 as a deposit it sorts the wheat from the chaff.”
Under the old non-digitised system cash flow was much harder to manage and Harry-James would be out of pocket if a booking simply failed to show up.
Paying the Real Living Wage
Away from the nuts and bolts of how he takes bookings, Harry-James has taken the progressive approach to start paying his staff the Real Living Wage. Going beyond the official government-mandated National Living Wage of £8.21 for those over 25, the Real Living Wage is £9. It’s calculated according to the cost of living – based on a basket of household goods and services.
Harry-James took inspiration from Patrick Langmaid, a fellow hospitality business owner and someone who has served as a mentor figure. “Patrick believes in paying people what they are worth, not what you can get away with,” Harry-James added. Having started paying the Real Living Wage this year, the level of applicants for the four full-time positions he had was far higher and the workforce looks different.
“Interestingly enough, of the people I have recruited this year two have degrees and one is a master’s student,” he added. “It’s not the be all and end all, I believe in hiring character and then training them up. But paying a bit more money seems to have attracted different types of character.”
Seeing someone like Patrick make a change and experience the upside gave Harry-James the confidence to try it himself. He’s a real example of the power talking with people who face the same daily challenges can have.
More small changes that work
From maximising local partnerships to reducing waste, Britain's hospitality firms are out to prove that small, creative changes can make a huge difference. Catch up with the other seven stories in the series below:
- Rising waste costs triggered a host of sustainable changes
- Visiting another business inspired new ways of working
- A £4 toothbrush sparked an idea to delight customers
- Using social media to set up a celebrity-run event in five days
- Building new revenue streams around your point of difference
- A creative approach to sustainability keeps customers coming back
- A local partnership created a cost-effective marketing opportunity

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location: South West (England)
business type: Hospitality & tourism
Top takeaways
Great relationships can lead to opportunities for saving money.
Overhauling the booking system has reduced the cash lost from no-shows at Dennis Cove Campsite.
Since paying the Real Living Wage this year, the level of applicants has been far higher.