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How should I performance manage my staff?

You want to get the most out of your people but you just don't know how best to do it. Performance management often sounds like a big business dark art, but it doesn't have to be. Smaller businesses can take advantage of more open lines of communication and a better sense of togetherness to create processes which help individual members of staff understand their roles and responsibilities in the company, acquire relevant skills and take on new responsibilities which help a business improve and expand.

Ways to help you deal with it:

Action plan

Improve your employee appraisals process

Effort: High
Impact : High
Appraisals are a process conducted in very varying degrees of quality by businesses of all types. Done well and they provide clarity, direction and a renewed sense of purpose.

ACTION PLANS are a structured list of steps designed to help you approach tackling a particular business challenge.

  • We explain why each step is important
  • Customise by setting your own completion dates and assign tasks
  • Helpful tools are provided for certain steps
  • A downloadable PDF version of each action plan is available


An introduction to performance managing staff

Improving performance management is great for companies and their staff. Employees need to be motivated, have the resources they need and be held accountable to enjoy their role.

GUIDES break a challenge down, providing important context and real-world experiences.

  • Based on SME experiences, not corporate jargon
  • Filled with real-world stories
  • Achievable steps every business can take

Other support that's available

How other businesses have tackled something similar

The questions lots of businesses are trying to answer

What issue is keeping you awake at night? A bit of targeted support is often all you need to overcome those challenges.